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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Note: to order results by date alone - without regard to any other rank factors - simply set Result Order (here) to Date. The Date Bias settings are for use when still ordering primarily by Rank.
In versions 5.3.0 and earlier, deny ACEs were always required to be before allow ACEs for an object.
In version 5.3.0 and earlier, the admin user should instead be explicitly granted all rights to each of the second-level objects (All Users, All Groups, All Profiles, All Settings, and Maintenance).
For sort-by-relevance queries, this is true if Require All Words is Y in Search Settings, which is the default.
It must be enabled via Allow "NOT" Logic in Search Settings.
This must be enabled via Allow the @ Operator in Search Settings.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Aug 4 2020