Archives of Maryland, Volume 0208, Page 0297 - Proceedings of... the meeting of said Electors) the following gentlemen who had been proclaimed by the Executive Authority of the State, to have been duly elected, Electors of President and Vice ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0208, Page 0277 - Proceedings of... the meeting of said Electors) the following gentlemen who had been proclaimed by the Executive Authority of the State, to have been duly elected, Electors of President and Vice ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0208, Page 0317 - Proceedings of... the meeting of said Electors) the following gentlemen who had been proclaimed by the Executive Authority of the State, to have been duly elected, Electors of President and Vice ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0208, Page 0337 - Proceedings of... the meeting of said Electors) the following gentlemen who had been proclaimed by the Executive Authority of the State, to have been duly elected, Electors of President and Vice ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0208, Page 0035 - Proceedings of... clear space clear space clear space white space A r c h i v e s o f M a r y l a n d O n l i n e PLEASE NOTE: The searchable text below was computer generated and may contain ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0208, Page 0089 - Proceedings of... of the said Electors, the following Gentlemen, who had been proclaimed by the Executive Authority of the State to have been duly elected Electors of President and Vice ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0208, Page 0095 - Proceedings of... of the said Electors,) the following Gentlemen, who had been proclaimed by the Executive Authority of this State to have been duly elected Electors of President & Vice ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0208, Page 0077 - Proceedings of... meeting of the said Electors the following Gentlemen, who had been proclaimed by the Executive Authority of this State to have been duly elected Electors of President and Vice ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0545, Page 0101 - The County Courthouses... clear space clear space clear space white space A r c h i v e s o f M a r y l a n d O n l i n e PLEASE NOTE: The searchable text below was computer generated and may contain ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0545, Page 0111 - The County Courthouses... clear space clear space clear space white space A r c h i v e s o f M a r y l a n d O n l i n e PLEASE NOTE: The searchable text below was computer generated and may contain ... ...