Maryland State Archives - Guide to Government Records The commission recommended that proposed changes in the areas of privacy and the Public Information Act be implemented through legislation, executiveorders, agency rules and ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0016, Page 0230 - Journal and Corresponde... Orders for the Discharge of every impressed Man, and we submit to Consideration, whether the Gross Conduct of Capt Nicholson, and the Contempt in which he holds the executive ... ...
Maryland State Archives - Guide to Government Records Series Information MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) 1715-1847 S1004 Series Description Executive papers. Consists primarily of orders, resolutions, correspondence, minutes, ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0569, Page 1670 - Session Laws,... He feels that so far as the county units of the Mary- land National Guard are concerned, the purpose of the bill can be accomplished through executiveorders, without the neces- ... ...
Maryland State Archives - Guide to Government Records Date: 1975-1976 Description: En-Ez, including Endorsements, Energy Policy Office, Energy Miscellaneous, Energy ExecutiveOrders and Proclamations, Engineers and Land Surveyors, ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0045, Page 0089 - Journal and Corresponde... a proper Manner; and come himself with the supernumerary Officers, to Hillsborough, in his Way to Richmond, where he can receive the Orders of the Executive for his future Conduct. ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0611, Page 0474 - Session Laws,... CONTINGENT EXPENSES Five thousand dollars, appropriated for, for the year 1847, treasurer to pay upon orders of executive. 43 COULTER, JAMES Treasurer to pay him $60 for ... ...
D E P A R T M E N T O F G E N E R A L S E R V I C E S R E C Administrative Procedures generally address internal operations of a governmental unit. ExecutiveOrders County Executive The authority granted to the County Executive by law to ... ...
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0104, Volume 1, Debates 1395 - Proceeding... ... with the legislature by submitting plans to the General Assembly in the form of executiveorders and having those plans lie before the General Assembly for 50 days, with the ... ...
SCHEDULE NO. C- 781 SUPERSEDES SCH. NO PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY ment books, phone message pads Retain for three (3) years, then destroy. 4. Executiveorders issued bv the Countv Executive Retain until superseded. 5. Budqet Files- ... ...